19 korte artikler om forskning inden for: Vand, olie, mineraler og miljø


Den årlige publikation Review of Survey activities 2008 indeholder 19 korte artikler om GEUSs forskning. Man kan læse om bl.a. overvågning af jordskælv, lagring af CO2 i undergrunden og kortlægning af klimaforandringer. Alle artikler er tilgængelige på engelsk.

GEUS har netop udgivet den årlige publikation Review of Survey activities 2008, som indeholder 19 korte artikler om institutionens forskning inden for vand, olie, mineraler og miljø. Man kan her læse om bl.a. overvågning af jordskælv, lagring af CO2 i undergrunden og kortlægning af klimaforandringer. Alle artikler er tilgængelige i elektronisk form og på engelsk.

Artikler om aktiviteter i Danmark:
Earthquake in southern Sweden wakes up Denmark on 16 December 2008
The potential for large-scale, subsurface geological CO2 storage in Denmark
Increased oil recovery from Halfdan chalk by flooding with CO2-enriched water: a laboratory experiment
Ladinian palynofloras in the NorwegianDanish Basin: a regional marker reflecting a climate change
Fingerprinting sediments along the west coast of Jylland: Interpreting provenance data
Structural development of Maglevandsfald: a key to understanding the glaciotectonic architecture of Møns Klint, SE Denmark
Fracture valleys in central Jylland a neotectonic feature
Soil erosion and land-use change during the last six millennia recorded in lake sediments of Gudme Sø, Fyn, Denmark
Geophysical methods and data administration in Danish groundwater mapping
Water budget of Skærsø, a lake in south-east Jylland, Denmark: exchange between groundwater and lake water

Artikler om aktiviteter i Grønland:
Geological observations in the southern West Greenland basement from Ameralik to Frederikshåb Isblink in 2008
Shallow core drilling and petroleum geology related field work in East and North-East Greenland 2008
The bedrock geology under the Inland Ice: the next major challenge for Greenland mapping
Developing a 3-D model for the Skaergaard intrusion in East Greenland: constraints on structure, mineralisation and petrogenetic models
Diamonds and lithospheric mantle properties in the Neoproterozoic igneous province of southern West Greenland
Using spectral mixture analysis of hyperspectral remote sensing data to map lithology of the Sarfartoq carbona tite complex, southern West Greenland
Glaciological investigations at the Malmbjerg mining prospect, central East Greenland
Holocene climate variability in southern Greenland: results from the Galathea 3 expedition

Artikel om internationale aktiviteter:
Post-rift landscape development of northeast Brazil

Læs on-line udgaven af:
Review of Survey activities 2008
Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland Bulletin 17, 2009

Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland Bulletin indeholder videnskabelige, internationalt reviewede afhandlinger baseret på forskningsresultater vedrørende Danmark, Grønland og Færøerne med tilhørende havområder, samt andre lande hvor GEUS arbejder. Der publiceres tre numre af Bulletin serien hvert år, inklusiv Review of Survey activities som indeholder et antal kortfattede 4-siders artikler om udvalgte forskningsaktiviteter. Alle artikler i Bulletin serien er tilgængelige i elektronisk form på: