Projekter for studerende

Er du studerende på udkig efter et kandidat- eller bachelorprojekt? Er du interesseret i tidligere  tiders klimaændringer generelt, og vil du gerne lære mere om dette emne? Her er nogle eksempler på potentielle projekter, men kontakt os endelig, hvis du har andre ideer. 

Palæoklima-forskere ved GEUS udfører feltarbejde i det arktiske område, og der er ofte mulighed for, at studerende kan være med. 


Fortidens klima med fokus på det Miocæne Klimatiske Optimum

Jeg søger en student der er interesseret i at forske i det Miocæne Klimatiske Optimum.

Prøverne til projektet kommer fra en spritny sedimentkerne fra Norskehavet, taget under IODP Expedition 396 (

Du kommer primært til at arbejde med palynologi og derudover lidt med XRF eller organisk geokemi. Kendskab til palynologi er ikke nødvendigt, da du kommer til at lære det under projektets forløb. 

Læs mere om det Miocæne Klimatiske Optimum på  


Miocæne, palæoklima, Nordatlanten, palynologi, havtemperaturer

Department and supervisor(s) at GEUS:

Kasia K. Sliwinska, Geo-energy and Storage

Project type 

Bachelor, Kandidat, et projekt udenfor kursusregi

Project periode


Kasia Sliwinska
Geoenergi og -lagring


PORO-CLIM seismic processing

This project will look at improving the imaging of seismic reflection data collected as part of the PORO-CLIM project in 2021.

The data relate to understanding the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum in response to sill intrusions as well as providing information on the paleooceanographic conditions that developed during the Cenozoic.



Seismic processing

Department and supervisor(s) at GEUS:

Geophysics and Sedimentary Basins, John Hopper

Project type 


Project period

May 2022‐ Oct 2023


John Hopper
Geofysik og Sedimentære Bassiner


A molecular approach to reconstruct sea ice variability in Northeast Greenland during the Holocene

Arctic sea ice is declining rapidly due to climate change. It is one of the most sensitive components of the climate system and also a unique ecosystem. To better predict future changes in Arctic sea ice, we need reliable time series that capture how sea ice responded to climate variability in the past.

This project will apply a novel proxy approach based on sedimentary ancient DNA (sedaDNA) to trace Arctic sea ice changes back in time. The ideal student will have a background within the Natural Sciences and a keen interest in working in an interdisciplinary research environment. Some laboratory experience is desirable but not obligatory.


Arctic climate change, sea ice, paleogenetics, Holocene

Department and supervisor(s) at GEUS:

Glaciology and Climate Department, Senior researcher Sofia Ribeiro and Researcher Heike Zimmermann

Project type:


Project period:

To be agreed upon (Spring 23 - Summer 24)

Sofia Ribeiro
Glaciologi og Klima


Evolution of marine conditions off the coast of southern Iceland margin

The marine realm of southern Iceland is the ideal location to study how changes in the wider North Atlantic oceanic circulation propagated and impacted local regimes (both oceanic and ecosystems) over time. The Holocene is a particularly dynamic period, with many abrupt climate shifts that, with high enough temporal resolution, should or can be captured in marine sediments.

This BSc/MSc project will use a new (unstudied) marine sediment core from the Iceland Basin to attempt to capture these changes. The project will use the fossil foraminifera record to reconstruct physiochemical changes in the water column, as well as biogeochemical methods to establish how/if primary production was impacted by changes in e.g., ocean temperature and salinity.

There are several episodes of explosive volcanism in the mid- to late-Holocene in Iceland, so there is also the possibility to look into tephra (volcanic ash) layers as both stratigraphic markers and as potential drivers in changing primary production regimes. Prior laboratory and microscopy skills are not required but the project will be hands on with laboratory and microscopy work.


Paleoceanography, Iceland, micropaleontology, marine sediments, tephra

Project type:


Department and supervisor(s) at GEUS:

Glaciology and Climate Department, Senior researcher Sofia Ribeiro and Postdoc Rebecca Jackson

Project period:

To be agreed upon (as soon as possible)

Sofia Ribeiro
Glaciologi og Klima
Maria Munk Jensen
Digital redaktør
Presse og Kommunikation