10th Annual Meeting of Danish Water Forum 28 January 2016


Danish Water Forum
organizes its 10
annual meeting on Thursday 28 January with presentation of issues within Danish water research and innovation.

This year, there will be plenary presentations on - among other things - Water Footprint in food production, a new nitrogen retention map for Denmark, a cloud burst plan for Copenhagen followed by parallel sessions covering Water and Food production, Water and Climate Change, Wastewater, Water Management, Young Water Professionals: Innovation and Mindset Changes, Drinking Water Quality, Water Cycle Hydrology and Geochemistry, and Geological Modelling and Geophysics.
Have a look at the full programme.

As this is a jubilee celebration, a dinner is organized after the presentations.

The venue is at University of Copenhagen, in the Festauditorium, Bülowsvej 17, 1870 Frederiksberg.

Registration is open.