Results from the regional geochemical sampling in 2010 in the Tasiilaq region, South East Greenland


Sediment and water chemistry from the Palaeoproterozoic Ammassalik mobile belt (64°30'-67°00'N) in South East Greenland taken during MRAPSEG 2010 are now released.

The Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS) and the Bureau of Minerals and Petroleum (BMP) hereby release sediment and water chemistry from the Palaeoproterozoic Ammassalik mobile belt (64°30'-67°00'N) in South East Greenland.

The samples were collected during the "Mineral Resource Assessment Program South East Greenland" expedition in 2010 (MRAPSEG 2010).

The data can be downloaded as a zip-file (generated via WinZip 9.0)
(~1,2 mb)

File list:

  • MRAPSEG-2010 - Sediment sample geochemistry.xls
    Microsoft Office Excel 97-2003 File (xls) with a spreadsheet containing all sediment sample information and geochemistry data. The file also contains a separate spreadsheet with geochemistry of sediment standard material. Also, two spreadsheets describe the headings in the two former spreadsheets.
    NOTE: In the table, values below detection limit have been changed to half of the detection limit.

  • MRAPSEG-2010 - Water pH and conductivity measurements
    Microsoft Office Excel 97-2003 File (xls) with a spreadsheet containing all measured water sample pH and conductivity. Also, a separate spreadsheet describes the headings in the former spreadsheets.

  • MRAPSEG-2010 - Water sample chemistry
    Microsoft Office Excel 97-2003 File (xls) with a spreadsheet containing all water sample information and chemistry data. The file also contains a separate spreadsheet with geochemistry of sediment blanks and standard material. Also, two spreadsheets describe the headings in the two former spreadsheets.
    NOTE: In the table, values below detection limit have been changed to half of the detection limit.

  • MRAPSEG-2010_Sample_and_processing_procedures.pdf
    Adobe Acrobat pdf File with descriptions of the sediment and water sampling, sample processing procedures, and also documentation for the analysed sediment and water standards.
    If you experience problems in downloading or opening the data, please contact us at the email here below.

    Do you want to keep updated on new data and other information from the MRAPSEG project in the future, including interpretation of the geochemical results, please write an email to stating, that you would like such information.

    Certificates of the laboratory determined analytical values for the sediments and water samples can be obtained from GEUS on request. GEUS and the BMP cannot be held responsible for possible errors related to the distribution of the data and the dataset itself. Furthermore, normal GEUS conditions for the use of digital data apply.

    The regional sampling and geological reconnaissance carried out under MRAPSEG will continue in 2011 to 2014 where geological mapping and resource evaluation program for the entire region from 62° to 67°N is planned to be carried out by GEUS and BMP. Please fell welcome to contact us if you want to know more about the coming MRAPSEG activities in the years to come.

    Questions to the released data as well as the MRAPSEG project can be directed to Senior Research Scientist Bo Møller Stensgaard ( Comments and discussion of the released chemistry data are also welcomed.

    On behalf of GEUS and BMP,

    Bo Møller Stensgaard
    GEUS, Senior Research Scientist, MRAPSEG Projectleader

Map of sediment samples taken during MRAPSEG 2010

Map of sediment samples taken during MRAPSEG 2010

Geologist taking stream sediment sample during the MRAPSEG 2010 regional geochemical sampling

Geologist taking stream sediment sample during the MRAPSEG 2010 regional geochemical sampling

Photo Geologist taking water samples during the MRAPSEG-2010 regional geochemical sampling, at the northern part of the island Ammssalik

Geologist taking water samples during the MRAPSEG-2010 regional geochemical sampling, at the northern part of the island Ammssalik