The Koch Family Papers Part 2 (vol. 1)

Del 2 af den engelsksprogede bog om grønlandsforskeren Lauge Kochs liv og arbejde

Part 2: Drawings and maps from the 2nd Thule and Bicentenary Jubilee Expeditions (1916-1923) and the mapping of northern Greenland (Avannaarsua)

Volume 1: Background to the expeditions and a Catalogue

Af Peter R. Dawes

Lauge Koch (1892-1964) var involveret i Grønland i 50 år, og hans indsats fik stor indflydelse på arktisk geoscience. Hans personlige papirer blev deponeret i Rigsarkivet, men en samling af materiale forblev i familiens varetægt, og disse papirer danner grundlag for en bog, der blev udgivet i 2012 som Del 1 af en trilogi, The Koch Family Papers.

Nærværende tobindsbog – del 2 af trilogien – fokuserer på en unik samling fra før flyvningens tid: 200 tegninger og kort fra kortlægningen af Grønlands allernordligste Avannaarsua. Koch påbegyndte denne mammutopgave som student på Knud Rasmussens 2. Thule Ekspedition (1916-18) og fuldførte den på sin egen 200-års Jubilæumsekspedition (1920-23). På disse rejser var hjælpen fra den oprindelige befolkning – inuit – uvurderlig. 

Volume 1 beskriver og fortolker samlingen, som udgør de eneste eksisterende landskabspanoramaer, ud af de hundreder der var udarbejdet. Kochs opvækst, tidlige liv og målene med den danske udforskning undersøges, og hans resultater tildeles den fremmeste plads i historien om kortlægningen af Arktis, inden for både geologi og geografi.


Geolog Peter R. Dawes, som er emeritus-forsker ved GEUS, har arbejdet med Grønlands geologi i mere end 50 år. Dawes' brændende interesse for udforskningshistorien i Arktis startede under hans deltagelse i flere ekspeditioner til Nordgrønland i 1960'erne. Her blev han introduceret til Lauge Kochs arbejde, og siden har Dawes, i beundring for Kochs store indsats, beskæftiget sig med hans virke, blandt andet gennem kontakt med Koch-familien.


Volume 1: Background to the expeditions and a Catalogue

This contribution and its scope
Northern Greenland and Avannaarsua
Danish, English and Greenlandic name

  • Greenlandic place names
  • Institution names
  • Expedition names

The people, terminology, spellings and abbreviations

  • Inughuit and Inuit
  • The name 'Thule'
  • Thule or Kap York district
  • Population and settlements
  • The Inukitsoq trio
  • Place names
  • Abbreviations
  • Illustrations and credits

Investigative work on a jigsaw puzzle
Archive study: notebooks, drawing pads and missing material
Unique graphic record of northern Greenland
The collection: 217 documents on the GEUS website
Input by Koch's travelling companions

Manuscript 39: 'fear of death', 'will to live' and 'joy of life'
Ladies and Gentlemen of Liselund
Aftermath: Wulff's death engendered no guilt, only sadness

Family life at Ubberup
Early inspiration from Fridtjof Nansen
Schoolboy essay on the Danmark Expedition with family connections
Benefactors and Greenland inauguration on Disko, 1913

  • First impressions from the S/S Godthaab
  • Eugenius Warming in Copenhagen
  • Morten Porsild at Godhavn
  • Visitors from the East: Johan Peter Koch and Alfred Wegener

Master plan emerges

Robust American territorial claims relinquished
Danish political and humanitarian motivation
The Dannebrog and taking possession for King Christian
Knud Rasmussen meets the Inughuit as a private coloniser
Lauge Koch: Disko to Thule via Mullerup
Knud Rasmussen's 2nd Thule Expedition: background and objectives
Peter Freuchen, mapping, and a race against the amphibians
The Bicentenary Jubilee Expedition: objectives and a rescue plan

Individual sheets and drawing pads
Paper preservation
Significance of tears and stains
Pin holes: a sign of sheet association
Creasing and folding: signs of danger

Composition of the catalogue

  • Material compiled in Greenland
  • Material compiled in Denmark

Sorting and identification of the material

  • Spurious dates: a cartoon and an explainable curiosity
  • Spurious locations: an intrinsic part of exploration

Specific dating methodology

  • Paper type and size
  • Paper preservation
  • Comparative geography and geology
  • Development of mapping methodology

Numbering of the material
Glossary of words and phrases
Abbreviations used in the descriptions

  • Koch's abbreviations
  • Author abbreviations

Melville Bugt and the Thule district, June-November 1916 (SHEETS 1-42)

  • Field sketches of Melville Bugt
  • Redrawn sketches of Melville Bugt
  • Redrawn sketches of the Thule district

Map of the Inughuit settlement Uummannaq 1916 (SHEETS 43-50)

  • Significance of the Uummannaq survey

Maps of Melville Bugt and the Kap York district 1916-17 (SHEETS 51-52)
Thule to Peary Land, April-September 1917 (SHEETS 53-71)

  • Original field sketches
  • Redrawn profiles

Geological map, cross-sections and a block diagram (SHEETS 72-73)
Printed maps and cross-sections (SHEETS 74-78)

Winter at Tasiusaq and Upernavik 1920-21 (SHEET 79)
Iluluarsuit to Peary Land, March-October 1921 (SHEETS 80-116)
Thule district, April 1922 (SHEETS 117-122)
Iluluarsuit to Nyeboe Land, April-July 1922 (SHEETS 123-157)
Iluluarsuit to Inglefield Land, September-October 1922 (SHEETS 158-160)
Upernavik to Thule district, March-May 1923 (SHEETS 161-171)
Miscellaneous drawings (SHEETS 172-191)

Map of John Ross's Crimson Cliffs (SHEETS 192-194)
Geological maps and photographic proofs (SHEETS 195-212)
Miscellaneous items (SHEETS 213-217)

3rd May 1923: a 'normal' day's sledging
National and international recognition
Compilation and publication of maps
Vildtland: comparative cartography 1892, 1912 and 1921
Mapping of archipelagos and highly indented coastlines

  • Melville Bugt
  • North-eastern Inglefield Land

Sven Hedin's assessment
F.H. Trap's map assessment: from Clavus to Koch
The crowning product and its amazing longevity

  • Extended life despite aerial photography
  • Koch's footprint pervades modern web maps

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Sprog: Engelsk

Omfang: 250 sider

ISBN: 978-87-7871-441-1